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Mexican Observatory of Innovation


IDOM has designed and launched the Mexican Observatory of Innovation (MOI). The MOI is a mechanism that allows us to know the state of innovation in Mexico, providing reliable data to all agents, companies and the public sector, facilitating decision making, comparing with other countries and measuring the impact of public innovation policies in Mexico.

Strengthing the country’s innovation ecosystem

The creation of the Mexican Observatory of Innovation (MOI) is a project promoted by the Ministry of Economy, from the General Directorate of Innovation, Services and Domestic Trade, whose main challenge is to strengthen the country’s innovation ecosystem, and become an essential tool for:

  • The analysis and articulation of the public policy of innovation, which allows the promotion of strategic sectors, both industrial and services.
  • The definition and measurement of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) indicators. Through the monitoring of these indicators, it will be possible to contribute to the innovation policy with updated information, planned action and the rendering of accounts.
  • Identifying failures in the market, especially those derived from failures of communication, coordination and asymmetric information at regional and national level.

Competitiveness & Innovation : Digital Innovation

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Ministry of Economy of Mexico

Benchmark of Innovation Observatories
Conceptual Definition of the Observatory
Definition of Candidates/Hiring and Training - Hands-On
Definition of the Portfolio of Products and Services
Design and Development of a Support Technology Platform
Management and Operational Model for the Observatory
System for Measuring Innovation and the Impact of Innovation Policies

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