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Electronic, Information and Communications Technology Innovation


Some of the work of the Ministry of Economy and the Conacyt (National Council of Science and Technology) involves the promotion of innovation in companies through instruments such as FINNOVA. Through the “Skills to Innovate” project, funded by FINNOVA and implemented by the National Chamber of the Electronic Telecommunications and Information Technology Industry (CANIETI), IDOM has supported business innovation, documenting various technologies.

Promoting and disseminating the importance of innovating in the Mexican business ecosystem

The project consisted of promoting and spreading the importance of innovation in the Mexican business ecosystem by developing a wide range of contents in the national innovation website, and a social media strategy. Methodologies to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship have been documented, and innovation workshops have been delivered to postgraduates so that they can act as Innovation Cells in companies. The Innovation Cells, therefore, integrate training (university students) and experience (coach), acting as a “temporary R&D+i departments” for small businesses.

Competitiveness & Innovation : Digital Innovation

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