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Analysis of an airplane crash onto the radioactive waste repository of Maisiagala


The project is devoted to the analysis of an airplane crash onto the radioactive waste repository of Maisiagala.  This accident analysis is the initial part of a broader project whose objective is to estimate dose fields in Maisiagala surroundings corresponding to accident scenarios. This broader project is led by the Lithuanian State Research Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC).

Specifically, IDOM’s scope includes the following tasks:

  1. Assessment of the damage produced by the aircraft impact on both the repository structure and the surrounding soil. This analysis is carried out following the guidelines and by means of the analytical tools suggested in international standards DOE-STD-3014-96 and IAEA SRS-87. The impact of the rigid plane turbines (i.e. local analysis) and the fuselage and wings (i.e. global analysis) are both assessed.
  2. Assessment of the damage caused by the fire that would follow the aircraft impact. NUREG-1805 Fire Dynamic Tools (FDT) have been used to analyze up to what extent the fire following such an impact could burn the contents of the repository. Different scenarios have been postulated depending on material characteristics and repository configurations, concluding that it is unlikely for canisters inside the repository to be engulfed in fire.
  3. Estimation of the radioactive source term resulting from the accident by means of DOE-HDBK-3010-94.

Sensitivity analyses have been carried out to cover uncertainties in repository configuration and material properties, amongst others. As a result, a compilation of results has been provided highlighting those that correspond to the most conservative scenarios.

Back End : Radioactive Waste

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Center Physical Sciences and Technology

Advanced Analysis Studies