Climate risk & Ports: A Practical Guide on Strengthening Resilience
IDB presents the publication at the Latin American Ports Congress
Produced in collaboration with IDOM for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the publication is a guide to assess the resilience and impact of climate change on port infrastructures. IDOM has contributed to the creation a tool that assesses sustainability while increasing the useful life of port infrastructures.
The publication was developed taking into account the natural exposure of ports to climate-related threats and the degree of vulnerability due to the infrastructure design and specifications.
This guide published in English is intended to help port developers and operators create an action plan to build resilience and reduce the adverse consequences of weather-related events in and around port facilities. It provides the steps to analyze and better understand the climate context of a project, develop a risk assessment, formulate adaptation measures, and establish monitoring and evaluation procedures.
This assessment is the starting point to take advantage of the dividend that climate resilience can deliver.