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Decarbonising Refineries: Towards a Sustainable Future

The need for energy to support population, technology and knowledge is constant in a modern, industrialized world. However, this progress has come at a high cost to the environment. In order to coexist with nature in a responsible way, energy transition is a realistic solution.

In a scientific article published by decarbonisationtechnology.com, Juan Carlos Latasa, Chief Technology Officer of IDOM Oil & Gas, presents an innovative approach that proposes a new paradigm for refining and fuel production facilities in the medium and long term. This paradigm shifts from the traditional concept of fuel and petrochemical production facilities through oil distillation to the configuration of “fuel production centers” in existing refineries, using proven technologies. This hybrid model combines existing facilities with carbon capture, green hydrogen generation and synthetic fuel production, significantly reducing the carbon footprint and offering attractive returns to investors.

Implementing these technologies is not only practical and achievable. It also allows refineries to define realistic strategies for reducing their environmental impact and moving toward a net-zero emissions future. In line with global sustainability goals, this approach represents a critical evolution in the energy industry.

To read the full article click here.

To support this transformation, IDOM is committed to providing consulting and engineering expertise in all phases of the project. IDOM’s technology group analyzes and develops advanced process models based on internal knowledge, consolidated with information from related technology stakeholders, providing our clients with the information to make the right project decisions.

July 10, 2024

Oil & Gas

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