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€430 million financing for the ‘Basque Y’

ADIF-Alta Velocidad and the European Investment Bank have signed a €430 million loan agreement to complete the construction of the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastián High-Speed Line, known as the ‘Basque Y.’ This key project will not only connect the three capitals of the Basque Country but also improve connections with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula and France, integrating the Spanish and Portuguese railway infrastructure with that of France and, consequently, the rest of Europe.

As part of this project, IDOM has contributed to the environmental processing and drafting of construction projects for traction substations and autotransformer centers.

Moreover, since last November, we have been deeply involved in drafting studies and designs for the transformation of the Abando-Indalecio Prieto Station in Bilbao. This work is crucial for facilitating the arrival of high-speed services in Bilbao.

This is a highly complex technical project that involves transforming an old city center station into a modern high-speed rail station.


September 4, 2024

Rail & Transit

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