Facing the new challenges of society
VIII National Civil Engineering Congress
In mid-February, the VIII National Congress of Civil Engineering took place at the College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports of Madrid. With the objective of reflecting on the evolution of the sector to meet future demands, this congress brought together prominent representatives of the engineering, construction and other areas related to these fields of activity.
During the second day of this congress, Mauricio Gómez, Managing Director of IDOM, participated in Panel X: Future of the profession. Training, accreditation and internationalization. During his speech, he focused on the future of Road Engineering as an exporter of professional services with very high added value. In addition, he talked about some areas that affect the current trend, such as sustainability, digitalization and innovation.
Throughout the congress, there was talk about how Road Engineering offers solutions with a multidisciplinary and global approach to face the new challenges of society (mobility, climate change, energy storage or circular economy, among others).