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IDOM participated in the Global Compact Assembly. We are sustainability movers!

Yesterday we had the privilege of attending the UN Global Compact General Assembly in Spain, where we exercised our right to vote and heard first-hand about the future of this initiative.  

The UN recognizes the role of business in raising aspirations and setting precedents in terms of sustainability. After participating in the Assembly, we became sustainability MOVERS, breaking down excuses for inaction. 

During the event, we were privileged to witness an inspirational talk full of magic and creativity by the renowned Mago More. His words motivated us to apply innovation and creativity in each of our processes, thus promoting sustainability in all areas of our organisation. 

The event was also a pioneer in being ‘climate positive’. Real-time measurements of energy and consumption impacts were taken. 

At IDOM, we are honored to be part of this global movement towards a more balanced and planet-friendly world. We will continue to work to implement innovative solutions and lead sustainable change in our industry. 

Join us on this exciting journey towards a more sustainable future!  


June 15, 2023

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