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In collaboration with ADIF, IDOM introduces the Rail Traffic Management Simulator

Training sessions for rail traffic operators in the CTC and station environment

In October, 2022, Javier Fernandez and Tomás Melero, representing the General Directorate of People Management of ADIF, together with Daniel Fariña, Technical Director of IDOM, presented the Rail Traffic Management Simulator, used for the training of railway traffic operators in a Centralized traffic control (CTC) and Station environment, to a delegation from Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail.

IDOM has been working for more than 11 years on the development and evolution of this platform, which facilitates the training of future and current traffic controllers, with the aim of guaranteeing the objectives of safety and maximum efficiency in railway operations. In contrast to traditional learning methods, which prioritise theoretical knowledge in static situations, this system reproduces 800 kms of conventional network track with more than 80 stations, with their corresponding blocking, signalling and control systems, and allows instructors to design different practices by replicating real traffic situations and automatically evaluating the behaviour of the students in these situations. This platform has become a key platform within ADIF, with more than 2,000 participants having participated in the training sessions over the last few years.

November 10, 2022

Digital transformation

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