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In-company agility to solve challenges


Currently, there are five major trends that require faster response in decision-making and ways of working in organizations: 1) the environment is rapidly evolving and quickly changing, 2) disruptive technologies are constantly being introduced, 3) digitization is accelerating, 4) access to information is improving, and 5) the new battle to attract and retain talent. In this environment, the rigidity and slow response of traditional companies are calling into question their competitiveness and even threatening their survival. Therefore, a new model is beginning to emerge – agile organizations.

In this context, in recent years, we have accompanied a large American industrial corporation, dedicated to automotive components, in improving the responsiveness of the organization to its suppliers. For this, an agile and participatory process based on fast cycles and continuous deliveries has been designed. This process has involved the collaboration of some of the leading technology companies in the US, to integrate all their knowledge into a solution under the leadership of IDOM that, in a short time, allows the client to create a viable product.

The teamwork of our experts in designing and facilitating agile innovation processes together with experts in the automotive and digitalization sector, has allowed us to achieve optimal results in a short time and which are better aligned to the real needs of the client and the market.

The Innovation Guide 2019 – an annual Business Strategy publication in collaboration with Innobasque (available in Spanish) – shares our experience in the accompaniment of companies in their transition to becoming agile organizations. The guide also presents the most important innovation in the Basque Country.


February 27, 2020

Digital transformation

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What are agile organizations?

They are companies that are capable of adapting their business models continuously through networked teams that work in rapid decision-making cycles and continuous learning. They are focused on solving the challenges of their customers instead of selling solutions and are aware that speed and adaptability are the great competitive advantage in the current context.

Guide to Innovation in the Basque Country 2019