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Inauguration of the Baja California III Combined Cycle Power Plant, Mexico

In December 2107, the Comisión Federal de Electricidad – CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) inaugurated the new Baja California III combined cycle power plant. The plant is located about 20 km from the city of Ensenada in Baja California, Mexico.

Under an Independent Power Producers arrangement, Iberdrola is operating the plant. The facility has an installed capacity of 314 MW of which 294 MW is supplied to the CFE and the remaining 20 MW can be sold on to the wholesale electricity market. With the start-up of Baja California III, Iberdrola is consolidating its leadership as the leading private producer of electricity in Mexico.

The combined cycle power plant, which began commercial operation in February 2017, has a guaranteed net electric generation capacity of 294 MW, and is designed to meet the consumption demand of 40% of the inhabitants of Baja California with low CO2 emissions. The facility uses gas for fuel, and seawater for cooling in an open circuit.

Its commissioning represents a milestone, as it marks the end of the electric power deficit that existed in the State of Baja California which meant the State had to import electricity from the US. Now with the surplus of energy being generated, it is possible for the State to export electricity to the US.

IDOM has been collaborating with Iberdrola, developing the detailed engineering (Mechanical and Process, Implementation and Design, Electrical, and Instrumentation and Control).

Video presentation of the plant (Spanish), courtesy of Iberdrola

February 13, 2018


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Additional information

Iberdrola-CFE Contract

In 2014, CFE awarded Iberdrola, the 25-year contract for the design, construction, development, ownership, operation and maintenance of the power plant, as well as the necessary installations for its connection to the country’s power grid.

Respectful with the environment

The natural gas, supplied by CFE, is 35% less polluting than fuel oil. CO2 emissions will be reduced by 394,000 tons.

Located on the shores of the Pacific, the plant will use seawater in an open circuit (once-through) for cooling, with a maximum thermal difference of 7º Celsius, resulting in no impact on the marine fauna in the area.