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Inspiring the Smart and Sustainable Cities of the future

IDOM Consultancy, helping to create spaces that connect and inspire along with other organizations during the second edition of the Smart Cities Congress of RECI

The Competitiveness and Innovation team of IDOM took charge of designing, planning and producing the second edition of the National Congress of Smart Cities of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI) held at the Palau de Congresos in Palma, Mallorca last October 10 and 11. The congress welcomed more than 250 participants who had the opportunity to attend presentations and discussion panels with national and international experts from organizations such as the European Commission and the United Nations.

Within the framework of the Congress, several IDOM experts shared their international experience: in the field of sustainable mobility in cities built from scratch in Arabia (David Moncholí, Director of Mobility and Transport); and inspiring examples of the opportunities offered by disruptive technologies to transform local public entities into entrepreneurial and innovative organizations that take technological risks (Álvaro Barrios, Head of Virtual, Augmented Reality and Simulation).

IDOM will continue to provide support to the cities of the Smart Cities Network over the next two years, having been selected to head up the RECI Technical Office, with the aim of promoting and positioning Spanish cities as international benchmarks in the field of digitization and sustainability.

October 18, 2022

Competitiveness & Innovation

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