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Participating in the Mining and Minerals Hall 2019 Event

Virtual reality design of the Minera Los Frailes Plant: Undisputable focus of attention

The entire Spanish mining industry and many international actors met at the 3rd edition of the International Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH), held at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville (FIBES) between October 15 and 17. The event has been jointly organized by FIBES and Aminer, a mining association to which IDOM belongs.

Over 6,000 attendees visited the Hall, to see the stands of around 175 exhibitors, meet more than 800 congressmen of 17 different nationalities. 70 scientific papers were presented, and 12 commercial presentations were made. 50 meetings and 63 business meetings (B2B) have taken place. The scientific speakers included the CEOs of the most important mining companies in the world. The program has addressed the future challenges of a strategic, sustainable and growing sector.

IDOM, as an international professional services company of reference, with a growing presence in the mining sector, participated in the event with a stand aimed at informing the services the firm develops for the mining sector; services that range from feasibility studies to complete project management in EPCM format. The consultations attended have been numerous, such as the services of the company, projects underway, and the work of IDOM on issues regarding Industry 4.0 or Innovation and Technological Transformation in the mining sector. This event has taken place just one month after Perumin 34 in Peru, where IDOM was also present.

The local press covered the event. The news channel of Canal Sur reported on the virtual reality design of the Minera Los Frailes (Grupo México) plant in Aznalcóllar made by IDOM. In fact, this was one of the biggest Mining and Minerals Hall (MMH) attractions.

November 21, 2019

Metals & Minerals

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Javier Bailly-Bailliere ( jbb@idom.com )

In front, Leire Batiz & Borja Fdez. de Lasheras. In the background, Laura Fernández.