“Santa Marta Inteligente” CAMACOL Social Responsibility Award
Social inclusion and gender equality
Last April, IDOM received the CAMACOL (Colombian Chamber of Construction) Social Responsibility Award for the “Santa Marta Inteligente” project. This recognition identifies, shares and exalts successful, high-impact and value-generating projects, led by companies in the sector, which promote good environmental, welfare and community practices.
Sponsored by the British Government, through its Prosperity Fund, and under the supervision of FINDETER (Territorial Development Fund), a joint effort was undertaken, with the joint venture, EY-IDOM, to bring this pilot project to life and make Santa Marta a national benchmark for Smart Cities in Colombia with a focus on social inclusion and gender equity.
The project seeks to mitigate and anticipate some of the problems identified in the territory, and counteract some of the negative impacts generated by COVID-19, through the formulation of a Strategic Plan for the historic centre of Santa Marta, looking to the 2030 horizon, prioritizing 5 technological solutions which are scalable and replicable in the rest of the city. In addition to the technical, legal and financial structuring of an Integrated Control and Operations Centre (ICOC), from where the different technological solutions will be managed and centralized in a single building.
Transversally to the technical development of the consultancy service, the Gender Equity Social Management Plan (PGSEG) was undertaken. This established the strategy and roadmap of the project’s social participation process. All the products were socialized and validated with the different population groups, through processes of social participation with extensive participation from the community, with special emphasis on groups of women and those at risk of exclusion, such as the visually impaired, informal vendors…
All this has allowed the vision and participation of the people involved to become one of the main pillars in the formulation of the project and to guarantee its social cohesion, in terms of inclusion and gender equality.