Smart management of security systems
GySeG Project, a comprehensive security management solution
With the support of the Deustotech Institute for Technological Research, IDOM has developed the GySeG project, an advanced Comprehensive and Predictive Security Management system. The Basque Government Hazitek 2020 program to support business R&D, and the European Regional Development Fund, have been subsidizing this project, the objective of which is to develop an intelligent platform that integrates the security systems of a distributed infrastructure.
The GySeG project collects and integrates large amounts of information from security systems (access control, CCTV, SCADA or sensors based on IoT standards), becoming a integral solution for the remote management of security and devices of a diverse nature. In addition, it allows the visualization and analysis of security events in the managed facilities.
The novelty of GySeG is that it facilitates the development of customized connectors with equipment from different technologies and manufacturers, so the resulting platform shows all security systems and elements in a single dynamic GIS compatible with various map sources.

March 12, 2021
The system has three main functions
Show aggregated information and geopositioned alerts in a single and intuitive interface so that the solution can be used without prior specific training
- Detect anomalies associated with flows of people, based on machine learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques
- Monitor, through the application of Business Intelligence, indicators of efficiency in the management of all these events
Nuria Gómez ( )
In the image (from left to right): Maldera Crespo, Nuria Gómez and Iñigo Larraondo, part of the work team