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SmartPorts. Interview with Agustin Martinez

Ports are important links in the logistics chains connecting the entire planet be sea. They accommodate a complex ecosystem in which a multitude of companies coexist, simultaneously performing a large number of activities.

In order to provide port users with a moderately costing quality service, Port Authorities need to control this complexity. This requires a high degree of coordination. Only be doing this, will they be competitive with other ports.

When a port has managed to organized its activities in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner, we can say it is a SmartPort. The benefit for the customer is clear: a decrease both in waiting times and incidents, and therefore, in the cost of operations.

A SmartPort is an ‘attractive’ port in which to do business as the users are provided with increased and higher quality information, thereby reducing the time needed for decision-making.

IDOM is assisting Port Authorities in transforming their ports into SmartPorts with the design and implementation of Port Management Systems (PMS), facility management systems in virtual environments (SG3IEV). Projects in the Ports of Barcelona and Algeciras Bay are examples of this work.