Speaking about the transformation of stations at the World Congress on High-Speed Rail
The 11th edition of the World Congress on High-Speed Rail was held in Marrakech from March 7 to 10. Organized by the International Union of Railways (UIC), the WCHSR is considered one of the most important international events in the field of high-speed rail.
Participants included representatives of international railway organizations, government officials, executives of world-leading railway companies, high-level high-speed rail experts and managers, researchers and academics.
The Congress examined and analyzed the current development of high-speed trains around the world, presented the most advanced technologies and discussed future challenges in this field. Each year, the WCHSR becomes a platform for dialogue and sharing among the countries in the sector, setting the course for research and development.
The Congress, which brought together nearly 1,500 attendees, was organized around 3 main blocks: round tables, parallel sessions and technical visits.
Our colleague Borja Aróstegui participated in session 6.5 Stations /Architecture – land use and urban settings, with a presentation entitled: The Transformation of the Great European Stations with the arrival of the High-Speed Rail, during which he presented IDOM’s experience in the field of high-speed rail, analyzing three cases: Valencia station, A Coruña station and Connolly station (Dublin).

March 21, 2023
In the session, which ended with a discussion, Borja was joined by
Dr. Fabian Wenner, Postdoctoral Researcher, Technical University of Munich (Germany):
Luigi Contestabile, Head of Station Development Strategies, RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA (Italy)
Dr. Fabrice Morenon, Managing Director, SNCF Hubs&Connexions (France)
Jiri Merta, High-Speed Lines Construction Management, Deputy Director for Technology, Sprava Zeleznic, Statni Organizace (SZCZ) (Czech Republic)