Support facility for Garoña Nuclear Power Plant
IDOM is leading the consortium to develop the Enresa contract for the implementation of the Individual Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) of the Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant.
On December 20, IDOM signed a contract with Enresa to provide the design engineering, licensing, environmental permitting and works management services for the implementation of the Support Facility for the Individual Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) of the Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant, together with WESTINGHOUSE and INGECID.
The facility will provide support to the ISFSI of the Santa María de Garoña NPP and will include a complementary installation to the ISFSI for carrying out tasks of inspection, maintenance, repair and conditioning of ENUN 52-B casks. All this will serve to guarantee the spent fuel recoverability function at cask level, as required by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN).
The assignment of this contract is the preparation of the basic and detailed engineering documentation and the documentation required for licensing, and the technical assistance throughout the licensing process before the regulatory body (CSN), and during the material execution as Site Manager, until the favourable report from the CSN is obtained.
The contract also includes the characterization of the land of the Support Facility site and the preparation of the technical documentation for the environmental processing of the project, and the support to Enresa in such processing, until the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is obtained.