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The Arrigorriaga bridge-aqueduct pillar transfer project has been shortlisted for the IABSE 2022 award

Above the AP-68 road, the pillar transfer structure consists of a mixed box-section structure of variable width and height 8.50 meters, embedded in a prestressed concrete pedestal of 5.50 meters in height. The geometry of this structure, with an inverted L-shape, is conditioned by the admissible clearance and by the position of the axis of the deck supports, since the fundamental premise of this action was not to affect the current configuration of the aqueduct. The resulting eccentricity between the point of support under the deck and the connection with the concrete pedestal is 7.50 meters, generating greater stresses in the new pillar than those currently supported by the aqueduct deck itself. In addition, two 1800mm diameter pipes run inside the caisson, which supply the right bank of Bilbao and which required maximum precision during the load transfer maneuvers.

Congratulations to all those who made it possible. Special mention to Gonzalo Zarrabeitia Ullibarri, Daniel Aizpitarte Inza, Francisco Javier Gómez Corral for the great work done.

We hope the luck continues when the final decision is made.



July 28, 2022

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