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The TREMIRS project – minimally invasive robotic surgery systems – receives the E-nnovaHealth award

IDOM is heading up the Technical Office for Public Procurement of Innovation of the project

The TREMIRS project, from the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU), has received the E-nnovaHealth award in the IoT category in E-Health, Wearables & Robotics. This award is given to digital health initiatives that add value, contribute to the sustainability of the system and improve the patient’s quality of life.

The IDOM consultancy team is in charge of heading up the Technical Office of the Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) for the project, together with Incotec, accompanying the centre in the identification and search for solutions to innovation challenges detected in laparoscopy and microsurgery.

TREMIRS, seeks to improve the limitations of existing surgical robotic systems on the market for both laparoscopic surgery and microsurgery, in order to offer a better service to the patient, better ergonomics for the surgeon and greater benefits for the surgical team, with a consequent improvement in the quality of the care service provided.

November 15, 2022


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