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Urban Development Plans for 31 municipalities in San Jose

Costa Rica

Endorsed by an agreement between the National Government and the European Union, the PRUGAM Project – Regional Urban Plan of the Greater Metropolitan Area of San José de Costa Rica – aims to improve the living conditions of the population of the San José Valley of Costa Rica, creating a competitive territory, with greater efficiency and quality in the offer of services, job creation economic activities, infrastructure and living spaces in each of the 31 municipalities that make up the Area.

Guide the development of each municipality from an integrative perspective at metropolitan level

IDOM has collaborated with the different national and local authorities in the development of 31 Urban Development Plans, considering the different urban socio-economic and environmental circumstances of a territory which is home to around 2.6 million inhabitants.

In this context, the aim has been to promote a territorial model that promotes the functional and spatial integration of the different municipalities, orienting their development towards the activities and land uses most appropriate for this purpose.

The challenge has been to guide the development of each municipality from an integrative perspective at metropolitan level, promoting a balanced distribution of services, productive activities and employment generating activities closer to the population center, while promoting the use of public transport and integration of green areas in the built environment.

Economic & regional development

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Government of Costa Rica

Action Plans
Inter-Municipal Organization Guidelines
Metropolitan Territorial Plan
Territorial Planning
Urban Development Plans for 31 Municipalities

  • 31_Cantones_Costa_Rica_1_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad