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Analysis and proposal of an Smart System for the Management of Tariff Measures (SIGMA) for SUNAT.


SUNAT, as part of its Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2024, has included among its strategic objectives the improvement of tax and customs compliance. In this context, the institution has entrusted IDOM with the task of establishing the business process modeling for the implementation of an Intelligent System for the Management of Customs Measures (SIGMA), based on artificial intelligence.

In order to improve tax and customs collection services, SUNAT aims to promote digital transformation through the implementation of services and business processes that strengthen its operational and analytical capacity, the modernization and integration of its IT systems, and the improvement of the institution’s governance and management processes. Thus, the main objective of the new SIGMA system is to support the correct assignment of the national subheading, a key element in the identification of goods for the determination of taxes and measures applicable in customs processes, in accordance with national and international regulations.

The tasks that IDOM has developed in this project are, among others:

  • Preparation of the management plan and other elements necessary to establish the control and follow-up of the technical assistance.
  • Analysis of the current situation and identification of existing gaps related to the tariff.
  • Model of the To-Be processes taking into account the new SIGMA system.
  • Preparation of the implementation roadmap.

Preparation of technical specification reports and/or terms of reference for the development of the SIGMA system.

Smart Ports : Strategy & Operations

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SUNAT (Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria - National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration)