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BonoBUR Smartcard


Technological and security redesign of the ticketing for the buses (SMYT) of Burgos city, designing a more secure and reliable new BONOBUR contacless card. The SMYT manages, among others, urban buses, operating assistance system (SAE), a tariff system based on the BonoBur contactless card (Mifare Classic), a bicycle lending network and a network of sale and recharge, face-to-face in shops and virtual through a mobile App.

All this will be updated to migrate to the new Bonobur (Mifare Desfire) card. The implementation includes the configuration of the new security and acquisition of cryptographic elements, supply of cards, and developments for the different equipment identified, as well as a migration plan for the new Bonobur card.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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City Hall of Burgos

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