Cerro Caracol Metropolitan Park Master Plan
The “Diagnosis of the Master Plan of the Cerro Caracol Metropolitan Park” is an initiative of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of the Biobío Region, located in the municipality of Concepción. The objective of the study was to prepare a Master Plan for the Cerro Caracol Metropolitan Park (PMCC), which would allow a diagnosis of the physical, environmental and landscape conditions of the park. The aim of this plan is to conserve, protect and restore the elements that make up its ecosystem by incorporating facilities and infrastructure that will allow for sustainable development. The public and social sectors involved in the area have participated in the plan for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the Biobío region, especially the local inhabitants and the surrounding communities.
In this sense, the final product of the Master Plan was the implementation of five specific plans. These include:
- Investment Plan, detailing the projects proposed for the Plan, their phases and execution periods, technical and financial unit.
- Management Plan, including the actions to be taken to implement the Master Plan.
- Administration and Operation Plan, which allows the implementation of the PMCC with integrity, criteria and actions, putting into practice the values established in the MINVU’s Urban Parks Conservation Program.
- Governance and future management plan for the park.
- Dissemination and communication plan, taking into account the target audiences.
Furthermore, a design manual was created for the furniture and layout of public areas, providing recommendations for the design of the elements that make up the Metropolitan Park. This has facilitated the integration of sustainability standards and advancements in the interaction between visitors and nature.
Finally, this Master Plan serves as the reference framework within which various stakeholders can compete to develop projects or participate in a range of coherent projects of different sizes, stemming from the initiative of local and/or institutional actors.
City & Territory : Resilience & sustainability
Government of Chile
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development