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Design of the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) System for Metro of Lima


IDOM has designed the new Integrated Ticketing System that would permit the use of a single interoperable smartcard for all public transport in metropolitan Lima and Callao, replacing the current models, which are independent and incompatible between themselves.

The design includes the clearing house which regulates the economic flow of revenue from sale and recharging of cards for the various operators in terms of the trips validated, high security encryption to ensure system integrity and the mapping and design of the internal structure of the state-of-the-art contactless cards.

The objective of the project is to set this smartcard as a national standard for other cities and regions of the country for all modes of transport.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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AATE - Autonomous Authority of the Electric System of Mass Transportation of Lima and Callao and MTC - Ministry of Transportation and Communications

Study and Design of the Integrated System - IFM-AFC

  • Metro_Peru_1_web
  • IDOM_Ticketing_Perú5
  • IDOM_Ticketing_Perú1
  • Metro_Peru_2_web