ITS architecture
IDOM has collaborated with the Ministry of Transport and Communication (MTC) on the project for the Development of the Architecture and Master Plan of Intelligent Transport Systems for Peru, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
This project has permitted the basis and framework for the implementation of ITS applications in Peru to be established at national level, as well as the definition and launching of associated programs and strategies.
Peru has been a late developer in terms of ITS systems. As is the case in other countries, these systems have been implemented at local level or by individual authorities and have not been integrated with other systems.
With this in mind, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru is working to improve the transport network operation by introducing advanced technologies and communication systems.
IDOM has been collaborating in the development of architecture and master plan of ITS systems in Peru, a project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The tasks carried out include the following:
- Study and description of ITS experiences in other countries
- Study of current situation in Peru: stakeholders and regulatory framework
- Definition of ITS National Architecture
- Draft of ITS National Master Plan defining the ITS regulatory framework, the strategic projects to be carried out and the implementation programme.
The strategic projects identified have been grouped into policy areas or development programs corresponding to: competitiveness, institutional development, systems interoperability, management and operation, and infrastructure.
Added Valued
Sharing the vision and needs of the different stakeholders involved in the development and operation of the ITS systems has laid the foundation stones to establish the vision of the ITS National Master Plan and its objectives.
Learning / Innovation
While there is no right or wrong technology, the technology that best meets the different requirements of the problem to solve has to be identified and selected, considering not just the functionality to be covered, but also the geographic area and time required for implementation.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
MTC - Ministry of Transportation and Communications
Preparation of Strategic Plans