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Diagnosis and organisational redesign of XM


XM, as manager of the Colombian energy market, is evaluating its organisational structure to ensure its adaptability and responsiveness to change. This assessment covers all aspects of the organisation, with the objective of determining whether modifications are necessary to successfully face future challenges.

IDOM collaborated with XM in the analysis of its organisational model, design of transformation proposals and support in their implementation. The activities carried out were as follows:

  • Organisational diagnosis: A specific framework was established for XM that included aspects of business agility such as processes, ways of working and relationship with strategy.
  • Benchmark study: Five case studies of companies managing energy markets in South America, North America and Europe were analysed to identify organisational characteristics relevant to XM’s challenges.
  • Design of improvement actions: A roadmap was established with 16 implementations that XM should develop to address the diagnostic results.
  • These include organisational redesign, comprehensive redesign of work areas, incorporation of new areas, staff training and implementation of processes with a business agility approach.
  • New Level 1 and 2 organisational chart: A new organisational chart was strategically and functionally designed to promote business agility, centralisation of cross-cutting activities and a focus on value and the customer.
  • In addition to the design, the company was accompanied in the implementation of this new organisation chart.
  • Development of Agile Cells: A model of project teams was designed with an agile approach to solve changes in processes, technological implementations and innovation.
  • Redesign of the PMO: An analysis of the capabilities of the project office was carried out to propose its transformation into a value management office (VMO), which includes the management of traditional or agile projects, portfolio and appropriation of agile methodologies in the organisation’s processes.

As a result of IDOM’s involvement, XM now has a new organizational chart that reduces the span of control and more efficiently groups the company’s functions with a focus on agility and centralization of cross-cutting value. In addition, a roadmap to 2024 has been designed and approved for the implementation of the identified improvement actions, which are currently being monitored by IDOM.

XM Press Room

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