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E-ELT Dome & Foundations


The Extremely Large Telescope (EELT) with a 39 m diameter primary mirror will be the largest optical/near-infrared telescope in the world. Part of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) agency, it is currently under construction and will be located on top of Cerro Amazones in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. IDOM participated at different stages of the project.

During the Concept and Preliminary Design for the Enclosure (2007-2008), the spherical dome tightly fitted to the TRV with two large horizontal doors to cover the observing slit. After that, IDOM developed the Integral Detail Design within the framework of a FEED Study (2009-2011) of the telescope dome, dome foundation and telescope foundation, to the point where construction of the main structure can be readily tendered for procurement, including fabrication, transport and AIV. The design for Telescope Foundation (2011-2012) focused on interfaces definition, mainly Telescope Azimuth Track system, and seismic isolation system design.

It is worth mentioning that the design to be constructed is based on the FEED design developed by IDOM. After that, ESO relied on IDOM technical capacity again and contracted IDOM in 2018 for the development and the supply of the ELT Prefocal Station.

Astronomy & Space : Special Structures

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ESO (European Southern Observatory)

Basic & Detailed Design

Armando Bilbao ( aba@idom.com )

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