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Energy Subsystem for Rail Baltica High-Speed Line

Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania

The ENE Engineering Service project, of which IDOM is part, is the largest single procured electrification project worldwide, connecting three different countries with a single piece of infrastructure. The main objective of the general ENE Deployment Project is the successful introduction and implementation of the energy subsystem for the whole Rail Baltica network, which comprises approximately 870 km of track and 11 service sections. Commercial operations on the electrified line are due to begin in 2026.

The Rail Baltica high-speed line will include connections to 7 international railway passenger stations and 3 multimodal terminals as well as to airports and seaports, several regional passenger stations, maintenance facilities and the existing railway network.

The scope of work includes the overall management of the ENE deployment processes in order to implement the Rail Baltica railway energy subsystem.

The aim is to ensure interoperability across the Baltic States and connected European Countries, as well as compliance with all European norms and standards with respect to environmental impact

The optimal solution for Rail Baltica’s high-speed line will be implemented by:

-Ensuring proper quality control procedures

-Applying best practices and a transparent procurement model

-And efficiently supervising the full deployment process

The global project scope includes the energy subsystem for the Rail Baltica Global Project infrastructure in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, plus the section in the territory of Poland up to the technical border with the Polish rail infrastructure network (the first electrical separation section behind the Lithuanian–Polish border).

The electrification is a major step towards the realization of the Rail Baltica high-speed line and will require the maximum effort of all the parties involved.

IDOM has been awarded the overall implementation project for the electrification (25 kV AC) of the 870-km-long double-track high-speed line (249 km/h) according to an agreement signed with the Rail Baltica joint venture RB Rail AS.

Together with partners DB Engineering & Consulting (Germany) and Italferr S.p.A. (Italy), IDOM has been appointed as the energy (ENE) engineer and will be providing the engineering, consulting and FIDIC engineer services for the overall management and execution of the ENE deployment process across the Baltic States. This will encompass the Works Preparatory Phase (Phase I), Works Implementation Phase and Defects Notification Period (Phase II). The project will run for approximately 10 years.


Project related:


Links of interest:
The largest electrification project in the world
Designing the longest railway bridge in the Baltic States
Our second railway project in Latvia
Rail Baltica: the project that will link the Baltic States with the European rail network
New high-performance trans-European rail connection


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Rail Baltica

Construction design
Design supervision during construction

  • IDOM_RB Electrificacion 2
  • IDOM_RB Electrificacion 1