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EU radioactive waste classification


The main objectives of this project for the European Commission (EC) is to know the status of the radioactive waste classification schemes, as well as the waste acceptance criteria in each EU Member State (MS) and the application of the Commission Recommendation of 15 September 1999 and IAEA GSG-1.

In addition, the project aims to understand the European citizens awareness about the waste classification schemes, as well as the perception waste generators and waste management organizations about the classification schemes and their contribution to effective and efficient cross-border cooperation. The aim is to devise actionable steps to equip the Member States and the Commission with recommendations on the classification schemes, to establish an assured European Union inventory of radioactive waste, maximizing transparency for the European decision makers and citizens.

IDOM, as leader of the consortium formed with BGE-TEC, has conducted the following activities:

  • Assessment of the gaps that exist between the MS compared to the recommendation published by the EC and even among themselves in the classification of radioactive waste.
  • Analysis of the current state of the systems in each member country, based on the recommendation of the EC and the IAEA guide.
  • Analysis of the characterization and classification systems and the relationship between the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) and national strategies and identify major trends and patterns.
  • Evaluate the public opinion and transparency that citizens of the EC perceive about radioactive waste, as well as the impressions of the different waste generators and waste management operators / organizations in order to facilitate a common system.

IDOM and the consortium partner conducted over 27.000 surveys across the 27 EU MS for collect public opinion. In the same way, the Waste Management Organizations of the 27 MS, including the Main Waste Producers from each country were involved in the study, providing direct feedback on the radioactive waste management classification systems and cross border cooperation challenges.

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