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Huesca City Historical Archive


The project deals with the Refurbishment of the West Tower of the Huesca City Hall in order to turn it into City Archives.

Rehabilitation of the west tower of the town hall for use as the Municipal Archive

Due to its position and volume, the Archives round off the set of buildings that make up the Huesca City Hall which gives the impression of being an unfinished construction, for the east and west walls are party walls and it seems as if in the past, they might have had an adjoining construction. In the intervention, we intend to treat the side closings, east and west, turning them into façades, so that the unfinished piece will turn into a tower with presence of its own. The new façades will carry folded copper, a fine material with a good relation with the existing materials –stone, bricks and timber–, and which is present in the first City Hall Extension intervention, thus integrating the work into the set. The plinth is made from sandstone belonging to a castle and it is similar to the existing one.

Architecture : Design : Leisure & Culture

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Rehabilitation of the west tower of the town hall for use as the Municipal Archive

City Hall of Huesca

Architecture & Engineering Design
Works supervision

Ana Morón
Raimundo Bambó

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