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Hydroelectric potential of the Coco & Matagalpa river basins


The Government of Nicaragua, a country with great hydroelectric potential, has relied on IDOM for the development of renewable energy. The identification of the
best locations and the design of dams and hydroelectric plants will reduce fossil fuel consumption and, at the same time, achieve a greater penetration of renewable energies in the country’s energy matrix.

The use of hydroelectric resources contributes to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels in emerging economies

After a complete analysis of two of the river basins with the greatest capacity, Río Coco and Río Grande de Matagalpa, 21 potential sites were identified, of which the top ten were studied in greater detail. The first two sites are already being launched for construction.

Dams & Large-scale Hydro Works

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PNESER. Ministry of Energy and Mines

Feasibility Study & Final Designs
Initial studies to evaluate the hydroelectric potential
Pre-Feasibility Studies

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