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Improve current conditions and the post-petrol future


Añelo and Las Heras are two municipalities located in Argentina’s Patagonia, which have historically been associated with the production of hydrocarbons, mainly exploited by YPF. In recent years, the industry’s boom has led to an urban and unprecedent population growth resulting in unconsolidated urban settlements with unsustainable trends, and a significant shortage of equipment and services.

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Promote economic diversification and a greater social and environmental justice

IDOM’s main challenge in the collaboration with the InterAmerican Development Bank and YPF has been to implement an innovative version of the ICES methodology (Emerging Sustainable Cities Initiative) adapted to the specificities of these two oil cities where the opportunities offered by the energy sector allows them to promote economic diversification and a greater social and environmental justice in a post-oil scenario, prioritizing their growth towards environmental, urban, fiscal and particularly Community sustainability. This fourth pillar of sustainability is particularly relevant because neither Las Heras nor Añelo offer the necessary conditions for a permanent population which negatively affects the feeling of belonging and collective identity of the place.

In addition, it is expected that by 2030 Las Heras (20,000 inhabitants) and Añelo (6,000 inhabitants) will reach 50 thousand inhabitants each, in a framework of consolidated quality of life, thus the growth model is planned according to short, medium and long term scenarios.

The aim is to improve livability through the encouragement of mixed use associated to economic diversification and local labor supply, provision of equipment, services and infrastructure and environmental improvement of public space.

The collaboration of IDOM has included the organization of working groups with the involvement of identified key players to strengthen tax management at a municipality level for both towns.

Resilience & sustainability

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Promote economic diversification and a greater social and environmental justice

YPF Argentina

Analysis of Natural and Anthropic Hazards and Vulnerability
Analysis of Urban Growth
Diversified Economic Development Plan and Employment Creation
Urban Diagnosis of Las Heras and Añelo

  • Glaciar_Perito_Moreno_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad