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Indicative Plan for Territorial and Environmental Planning, Panama


The Panama Canal Hydrographic Basin is facing an important challenge of adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Demand for water resources and other natural resources is increasing, and socioeconomic conditions must be improved to achieve harmonious development within a period (horizon) of 50 years. All this with the aim of improving the quality of life and socioeconomic well-being of the people of the Basin.

With this in mind, the Indicative Plan for Territorial and Environmental Planning (PIOTA) is being prepared. This is an initiative of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and IDOM’s technical advice as the drafting team, a guiding instrument of spatial reference for the socio-environmental and sustainable management of the hydrographic basin of the Panama Canal (CHCP).

It proposes a process of adaptation, planning the territory, integrating a regional vision, the ecosystems that compose it and its protected areas. In addition, it seeks to mitigate climate change, the decarbonization of the basin, and the resilience and adaptation of all life systems and their inhabitants. The PIOTA will be underpinned with the extensive participation of all the actors.

The PIOTA documents are available in Spanish for download at the following links:

  • [IDB-TN-02229] – Diagnóstico Integral de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá (Integral Diagnosis of the Panama Canal Watershed) (Technical Notes)


  • [IDB-TN-02326] – Prospectiva: Tendencias y Escenarios (Foresight: Trends and Scenarios) (Technical Notes)


  • [IDB-TN-02345] – Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible y Descarbonización (EDSD) de la Cuenca “Ruta Verde 2050” (Basin Sustainable Development and Decarbonisation Strategy (SDDSD) “Green Road 2050”) (Technical Notes)


  • [IDB-TN-02472] – Plan Indicativo de Ordenamiento Territorial Ambiental de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá (Indicative Plan for the Environmental Land Use Planning of the Panama Canal Watershed) (Technical Notes)


City & Territory : Economic & regional development : New cities : Resilience & sustainability : Urban renewal & smart growth

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Antonio Fernández ( consultoria@idom.com )