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Integral innovation map of the Basque health system


The Integral Innovation Map of the Basque Health System project, coordinated by BIOEF and the Department of Health of the Basque Government, has permitted the identification, an increased visibility and mapping of health innovation, showing which actors, initiatives, activities and processes make up the innovation ecosystem and understanding how they interact and the role each plays in the  system as a whole. Understanding of the system has, in turn, allowed the identification of the structural and instrumental aspects on which to simulate improvement scenarios.

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Achieving a greater impact with the progress of R+D+i in the health sector

R&D and innovation activity in the Basque health system has become very important in recent years. This has made it necessary to create new structures, processes and tools for the management of R+D+i. Some initiatives include the creation of the Baliosaun Program for innovation management generated in the Basque health system. The aim is to standardize and organize the management of innovation activity.

IDOM has collaborated with BIOEF and the Department of Health of the Basque Government in the definition of an innovation diagnostic map that allows us to know in-depth what type of innovation activities are carried out in the Basque health system, who performs them and what procedures are used for their management and development. The objective is to establish a common system, with indicators on the performance of the system, while increasing the visibility of activities, both within the health system itself and the general public.

Competitiveness & Innovation : Digital Innovation : Healthcare Policies & Services

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BIOEF - Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research

Analysis & Diagnosis of Processes
Governance Model
Health Innovation System Map
Management Model
Scenarios for the Corporate Model of Innovation Management

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