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Intelligent Transport Systems


IDOM advised AGA in the project revision and works supervision for the Intelligent Transport Systems, civil works and architecture associated with the East-West Highway in Algeria. Stretching from the Moroccan border to the Tunisian border, a distance of 1,216 km, this highway crosses several Wilayas (provinces) along the coast in the north of the country.

This highway will be the first road in the country equipped with latest generation ITS.

IDOM advised AGA in the project revision and works supervision for the Intelligent Transport Systems, civil works and architecture associated with the East-West Highway in Algeria. Stretching from the Moroccan border to the Tunisian border, a distance of 1,216 km, this highway crosses several Wilayas (provinces) along the coast in the north of the country. This highway will be the first road in the country equipped with latest generation ITS.

IDOM leads a consortium that includes IDOM and the Lebanese company Dar Al Handash, and develops the works of the eastern part of the highway, in the section between the cities of E-Taref and Bordj Bou Arréridj (440 km). This section includes 3 tunnels, the Skidda tunnel (2,500 m) is the longest tunnel in the whole national highway.

IDOM collaborates with AGA (Algerian Company for the Management of Highways) in the tasks of control and monitoring of the installations and equipment operation.

The route crosses 7 Wilayas and will have 3 tolls en route and other 18 tolls in side roads. The works also include 26 rest areas, 14 service areas and 8 control and operation buildings.

Apart from tolls, other ITS systems that are being installed are:

  • SOS stations
  • FM Radio
  • TETRA radio communication system
  • Telephony for operation
  • Transmission network
  • CCTV
  • Weather station
  • Gauges
  • Variable signalling panels
  • Management and monitoring system

In the image: Teresa López Contreras and Hatem Meskaldji.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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AGA – L’Algérienne de Gestion des Autoroutes

Technical Assistance for Construction Management

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