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Urban development of sloped lands of Jesus Galindez


The project was one of a series of steps taken by the Bilbao City Council in the peripheral districts of the city.

Connection elements were created between the upper and lower levels to eliminate  barriers

In this case, it involved integrating a slope, which had posed as a barrier, into the city and generating around it pleasant areas. Before the intervention, the place was a barren, useless 18 m rocky slope, trapped by the city over-spill. It was modelled using inclined planes of different materials that show its strange topographical physical character to the city. Also, connecting elements were created between the upper and lower levels, to do away with its barrier status, generating areas for socializing, child play and crossing points. Geometry has become the working rule for dealing with spaces. This intervention turned the rock slope, which represented a barrier within the city, into an element of connection, for socializing, useful and due to its scale, into a landscape intervention that qualifies the surrounding urban space.

Architecture : Design : Landscaping & City

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This project turns the rock slope, which was a barrier in the city, into an element of connection

Bilbao City Hall

Architecture & Engineering Design
Works supervision

Ana Morón
César Azcárate ( caa@idom.com )

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  • Jesus_Galindez_Slope_State_02_Architecture_IDOM_photo_Aitor_Ortiz
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