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Lima Metropolitan Area: Natural hazard and urban growth disaster risk


Baseline studies on disaster risk associated with natural hazards and urban growth in the metropolitan area of Lima (AML) – Lima and Callao.

The overall objective of this project by the City and Territory team of IDOM is to contribute to the sustainable development of the Metropolitan Area of Lima (AML) and Callao. The scope of the consultancy will provide the necessary analytical inputs to facilitate land use planning processes, developing important planning tools for different stakeholders involved in the development of the city. Specifically, the studies include:

  • A disaster risk assessment of the metropolitan areas of Lima (AML) and Callao in the context of current and future climate change, which will provide a better understanding of the risks faced by the AML. Sustainable strategies will be proposed, preferably including natural infrastructure, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions.
  • A study on urban growth that will assess the dynamics of change of the urban stain or footprint of the MLA, based on past, current and future trends, in order to improve environmental, territorial and infrastructure planning at metropolitan and district levels to have a resilient and sustainable urban model by 2040.

Within the project, 4 urban pilot projects were designed to address the problems identified in both components of the study.

City & Territory : Resilience & sustainability

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World Wildlife Fund

  • Escenario Integrado
  • EUI Callao
  • EUI Chorrillos
  • Chorrillos Render Peatonal 2
  • Callao Render Peatonal
  • Callao Render Peatonal 2
  • EUI SJ Lurigancho
  • Callao Render Aereo