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LR8 Research Building in Ens Monod


The École Normale Supérieure (ENS) is a very prestigious French institute for advanced studies that covers most literary and scientific disciplines.

The objective of the project is to make the Monod Campus a world reference in the field of biomedicine

It offers its students pre-doctorate and doctorate programmes. The purpose of the current project is to turn the Monod Campus, located in the city of Lyon, into a world reference in the field of biomedicine. The construction of the LR8 building will allow for the extension of some existing laboratories and the reorganization of the present campus logistics. The LR8 houses a greenhouse with a plant reproduction laboratory and several biology, physics and chemistry laboratories. Despite the heterogeneity of the uses on the programme, the proposed structure eases the clarity of the uses and the flexibility for future extensions. The location of the greenhouse topping the building off gives it a very special character while showing the city what goes on in the centre.

Architecture : Design : Education

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The objective of the project is to make the Monod Campus a world reference in the field of biomedicine

Metropole de Lyon


Iñaki Garai ( igz@idom.com )
Inés López Taberna ( ilopezta@idom.com )

  • LR8_Research_Building_01_Architecture_IDOM_computer_graphics_GLT_infografias
  • LR8_Research_Building_02_Architecture_IDOM_computer_graphics_GLT_infografias