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Urban mobility systems in Bilbao


IDOM has developed the Master Plan for Mobility Management (2009-2015) for Transport and Traffic Department of Bilbao Council. While the actions of the previous Master Plan have been applied to traffic management, this new Master Plan focuses on mobility management, not just in terms of traffic, but also public transport and parking. The City Council has concluded the definition of a framework aligned with European policies that focus on information sharing, prioritizing the quality of the information and by letting the private sector to develop custom value-added services.

IDOM has developed the Master Plan for Mobility Management (2011-2015). While the actions of the previous Master Plan have been applied to traffic management, this new Master Plan focuses on mobility management, not just in terms of traffic, but also public transport and parking.

The main actions that have been carried out to date include:

  • Development of new value-added applications for the existing equipment
  • Implementation of new ITS systems that cover the technological deficit of existing equipment
  • Updating of the Bus Operation Assistance System (OAS)
  • Enhancing the Traffic Signal Priority
  • Renewal of the Geographical Information System
  • Freilot project: European funded pilot project for real-time loading/unloading space booking
  • Implementation of an open data platform for mobility information
  • Co-Cities project: European pilot project to introduce and validate cooperative mobility services in cities and urban areas
  • Definition of the procedures for coordination with others Traffic Control Centres
  • Definition and implementation of the Operation Manual

Added Valued
The development of a mobility information municipal platform has resulted in an increase in the quality of information and data being generated. This platform has in turn become an input for the development of value-added services generated by the private sector.

Learning / Innovation
To achieve greater success in the implementation of the open data platform, the City Council has participated in relevant European projects involved in the definition of a European ITS policy framework. These projects or initiatives include Freilot, Co-Cities and Co-Gistics.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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Bilbao City Hall

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