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City Model for a planned growth


The automotive company Audi has chosen the San José Chiapa municipality, in the State of Puebla in Mexico, to build a new factory which will manufacture 150,000 vehicles per year, in an area of approximately 600 hectares.

At present, the region does not have an appropriate urban center which is sufficient to assume the urban growth generated by the new plant – estimated at 20,000 inhabitants and 5,000 dwellings. Therefore, the Government of Puebla has commissioned IDOM to develop a Master plan for the design of a new city: the City Model.

A creative city where knowledge and innovation will be aligned with productive capacity

Following the creation of the Model City, employment and the automotive industry will be fostered, transforming the region into an economically competitive and attractive territory for other companies in the value chain.

Our firm has proposed, in the first phase, dedicating 150 hectares to resolving the urgent demand for housing and associated facilities, designing a safe and liveable city which encourages socio-economic integration and cultural diversity. The growth of the urban area forecast in two phases until 2030, will consist of an urban section that favours a variety of uses and eco-mobility, where over 70% of journeys will be possible on foot, by bicycle or on public transport.

The specialised facilities and services that will be available, such as two universities, will increase the attractiveness at regional level and will cement a creative city where knowledge and innovation will be aligned with productive capacity.

Of note, among the important facilities in planning, IDOM has been awarded the final design of the Convention Centre, the Sports Centre and the Transport Station.

Additionally,  IDOM has  undertaken the preparation of a Regional Program for Ecological Planning (RPEP), a Subregional Program for Territorial Planning (SRTP) and a Metropolitan Plan, with the objective to regulate and adapt the land use and the production activities in the region, in order to achieve sustainable development that is compatible with environmental protection.

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Business Model
Investment Plan
Management Model
Master Plan
Metropolitan Plan
Public Participation Program
Regional Ecological Regulation Program
Sub-regional Territorial Planning Program
Urban Scheme Design (New City)

  • Ciudad_Audi_Puebla_Mexico_1_ManuelLeira_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad
  • Ciudad_Audi_Puiebla_Mexico_2_RodrigoMucino_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad
  • Ciudad_Audi_Puiebla_Mexico_8_RodrigoMucino_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad
  • Ciudad_Audi_Puiebla_Mexico_9_RodrigoMucino_IDOM_Consultoria_Propiedad