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Monitoring European projects in the LIFE Programme

Portugal | Spain

The services provided by IDOM include the financial and technical monitoring and control of the Life projects approved for Spain and Portugal.

The Life Programme embodies European policy regarding Nature, Biodiversity, the Environment (waste, water, noise, the urban environment, ecoinnovation, etc.), Climate Change and Environmental Information.

The LIFE programme is the only European Union financial instrument dedicated exclusively to the environment and climate change. Since 1992, more than 1,000 LIFE projects have been approved in Spain and 200 in Portugal (more than 5,500 in the EU), with a total project budget of 2,140 million euros and an EU contribution of 1,029 million euros in these two countries (12,000 million euros mobilised in the EU, with a total EU contribution of more than 6,500 million euros).

The financial allocation for the implementation of the LIFE programme for the period 2021-2027 is €5,400 million, which will be used to finance innovative and demonstration projects under 4 main axes:

  • Nature and biodiversity
  • Circular economy and quality of life
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Transition to clean energy

Acting as an interface between the EU and these beneficiaries, our team of monitors provides support and guidance on the technical, administrative, financial and communication management of projects, and helps to identify and resolve problems that may arise during implementation. Our main challenge is to provide excellent technical and administrative support:

  • To the beneficiaries of the projects, helping them to interpret and comply in practice with the rules and requirements of the Program from the proximity and knowledge of the geographical, political, technical and environmental context in which they are developed.
  • To the Commission, helping them to understand and evaluate the progress and results of each project, its real impact, the effective use of resources and its options for replication, transfer, market approach and future sustainability.

In 2023, the EC again placed its trust in us, awarding us the contract for the 2023-2027 period.

Interested in learning more about the European Commission’s LIFE Programme and the results achieved so far? Visit the Programme’s website here.

Climate Change & Circular Economy : Natural Capital & Bioeconomy : Technical Assistance

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Monitoring, control and evaluation of projects

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