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Nursing home


The building accommodates a 210-bed Senior Residence, a Day Center and a Nursing Home.

It descends in a staggered way following the natural slope of the plot, creating gardens between the various volumes of the same.

Residence, day center and nursing home

The plan of the first block coincides with the lower part of the following, and so on. These three elements whose main use is destined to the rooms of the center, are connected perpendicularly and at their ends to a fourth volume, more irregular and of smaller height that encloses the common areas of the building. The intersections that occur in the meetings of these blocks are used to locate vertical communications. The free spaces between blocks allow the landscaped spaces of the plot to enter the building, as a comb, always thinking of the maximum enjoyment of the users of the building so that they can benefit from the privileged environment.

Longevity industry

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Diputación General de Aragón IASS

Architecture & Engineering Design
Works supervision

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