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Master Plan for the design of a Port Community System and a Port Management System for the Port of Callao


Strategically located on Peru’s central coast, the Port of Callao is a vital hub for regional and international maritime trade and plays a fundamental role in the country’s economy, facilitating the flow of goods and connecting Peru to major global markets.

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), together with the Ministry of Transport and Communications “MTC” (through the National Port Authority “APN”), has commissioned IDOM to carry out a Master Plan for two systems for the Port of Callao – the PCS “Port Community System” and the PMS “Port Management System” – together with the necessary technological components. The objective is to determine and achieve the implementation of these two platforms to streamline and accelerate logistics and port processes.

IDOM has designed a PCS based on international standards, which allows processing, recording, sending and receiving the data that have been generated during the port logistics chain processes. The activities carried out has been:

  • Analyze current port processes and redesign them to improve data entry and reduce the need for physical documentation
  • Global benchmarking of PCS
  • Define Value-Added Services for the PCS and identify the main benefits of PCS, both qualitative and quantitative
  • Define the technological model and the PCS business model and prepare an economic-financial analysis to see the feasibility of the PCS project
  • Terms of Reference for contracting the implementation of the PCS
  • Establish a plan for change management during and after the implementation of the PCS

Smart Ports

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APN (National Port Authority)
MINCETUR (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism)

Benchmarking PCS worldwide
Change Management Plan
Definition of the PCS technological and business model and economic-financial analysis.
Definition of Value Added Services and identification of the benefits of PCS
Drafting of the Terms of Reference
Process analysis and improvement (“As-Is” and “To-Be”)