Potable water plants in Cali
The City of Cali, Colombia, has suffered from water supply problems for years. The intense rains, which regularly hit the Cauca Valley, causes slope displacement, leading to excessive turbidity of the waters of the river, which, together with the increase of uncontrolled discharges, renders the quality of the water unsuitable for current use.
New environmental requirements make it necessary to update plants, already in operation, to guarantee the supply of water with adequate quality
IDOM has been awarded the contract to improve this situation. The objective is to inspect and improve the efficiency of the two potable water plants that serve 80% of the population of Cali. These facilities were built in 1978 and 1953 and have a nominal flow rate of 6.6 m3/s, and 2.2 m3/s, respectively.
The optimization of the plant goes so far as to assess the possibilities of increasing the availability of the potable water service, as well as to evaluate the possible reduction of the operating costs of the plants, while also improving their environmental fit.
Empresas Municipales de Cali (EMCALI)
Alternative studies
Final Optimization Designs