Roadmap for the SANDETEL Data Office
The Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones, S.A.M.P. (SANDETEL) is a public company, fully owned by the Junta de Andalucía and attached to the Agencia Digital de Andalucía de la Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa (Andalusian Digital Agency of the Ministry of Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification).
SANDETEL wants to articulate the necessary mechanisms to facilitate the transition of the Andalusian administration towards a model governed by data. In this way, SANDETEL will be aligned with European and national initiatives around a data economy that will help the Andalusian Regional Government to get the most out of the existing resources, that will help it to move towards a homogeneous and transversal model, and that will facilitate the flow of data between the different actors, both public and private, guaranteeing their security, privacy and citizens’ rights.
SANDETEL has entrusted IDOM with the definition of the roadmap for the creation of the Data Office. IDOM and SANDETEL have proceeded with the deployment and execution of a project that has involved the development of the following activities:
- Study of the current situation in SANDETEL with respect to the human resources, processes and technical means existing for the governance, management and quality of data.
- Assessment of the level of capacity and maturity of the organisation to implement data governance.
- Definition of a Data Office Model for SANDETEL, identifying both the policies and processes and the roles and functions to be created and deployed.
- Analysis of the gaps to be overcome in order to move from the current situation to the target model, elucidating the stages through which the organisation must pass and adopting a prioritisation criterion with respect to the activities to be developed.
- Definition of a change management plan incorporating both training needs and communication activities that serve to unite wills and reduce the risk of rejection in the transition process.
SANDETEL has received a plan that will allow it to implement a Data Office, following the practices of the Data Governance UNE 0077:2023, Data Management UNE 0078:2023 and Data Quality Management UNE 0079:2023 standards.
Likewise, SANDETEL has been instructed to adopt an improvement of its data processes through the Alarcos Data Maturity Model (MAMD), in accordance with best practices and existing standards such as the Data Management Community (DAMA), Data Management Maturity (DMM) and the ISO 8000 family of standards.
Competitiveness & Innovation : Data intelligence & digital governance
Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones S.A.M.P (SANDETEL)