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SCADA for water


Sedapal, a Peruvian state company, manages the collection and supply of drinking water, treatment and final disposal of the wastewater of the 9 million inhabitants of Lima and Callao. IDOM has been supporting Sedapal in the process of standardizing the SCADA systems, automation, communications networks and control centres of the company.

Information management systems allow networks to operate safely and instantly

The introduction of new technologies for the management and control of water systems allows them to know, in detail, their operation, anticipate problems, control and reduce costs, not just financial, but also social and environmental.

The water sector is in the process of digitization and is integrating new technologies for the operation of its systems and infrastructure. IDOM advises and accompanies the companies in this task.

Security & emergencies

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Networks can be operated safely and instantly with the correct IT systems

SEDAPAL - Lima Drinking Water and Sewerage Service

Bidding Documents
Master Plan for Automation & SCADA
Preparation of Technical Specifications
Strategic Consulting

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