Smart Digital Segovia
Smart Digital Segovia is part of the National Plan of Smart Cities of Spain, co-financed with FEDER Funds. Its main objective is to develop a central Smart City core based on an updated graphic base. This system will promote greater efficiency in the provision of public services, particularly those that improve key elements of the city and have a direct impact on the citizen and the visitor.
Promoting greater efficiency in the provision of public services
The project aims to improve the functioning of public services, as well as the sustainable and energy efficient development of the city. Its objectives include:
- Provide a platform that provides geo-referenced municipal information on an updated official cartographic reference base.
- Implement a municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure to normalize, homogenize, develop and share the municipal information of interest.
- Publish Open Data to create services and applications from these.
- Develop participation tools for the valuation of public services by the citizen and the business network.
- Create public services with content generated by citizens and administration.
- Geo-reference information regarding urban planning, leading to an improvement in municipal management.
- Develop an intelligent tourist dissemination platform with integration to social networks, tourism dashboard, connection with tourism companies and automation of consultation processes.
- Install equipment to monitor energy efficiency in planned buildings.
Software Design and Development
Supply of Equipment