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Strategic plan of an industrial cybersecurity centre


ZIUR is the Industrial Cybersecurity Foundation of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Its mission is to promote and support industry, advising and accompanying it in its transformation and innovation.

The main objective of IDOM is to position ZIUR based on the implementation of an industrial cybersecurity ecosystem, where the different actors can solve their challenges and provide their specialized solutions.

The following actions have been carried out:

  • Preparation of a detailed analysis of the main global trends in the cybersecurity market.
  • Identification of the main cybersecurity agents and initiatives currently taking place in the Basque Country.
  • Development of the analysis of the situation of ZIUR in the cybersecurity ecosystem in the Basque Country.
  • Definition of the transformation strategies of the strategic plan and the lines of action associated with each of the proposed objectives, mapping of resources and definition of the governance model and budget for the period 2021 – 2024.

Finally, these actions will also establish ZIUR as a Cybersecurity Pole located in Gipuzkoa, connected with regions all around the world.

Competitiveness & Innovation : Data intelligence & digital governance : Innovation

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ZIUR Foundation - Gipuzkoa Centre for Industrial Cybersecurity

AI infrastructures
Cybersecurity infrastructures
Digital Transformation Strategies
Governance models
​ Govtech