Strategic plans in metropolitan areas of Chile
IDOM has supported the creation of 4 metropolitan areas in Chile, located in different regions of the country, contributing to the comprehensive urban development of territories, culminating in strategic action plans, such as:
- Urban Development and Climate Change: Current and Historical Urban Footprint, Urban Growth Scenarios and Baseline Studies for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Puerto Montt / Puerro Varas Metropolitan Area. Developed within the framework of ICES, managed by the Inter-American Development Bank, the study was carried out in a process prior to the approval of the law. However, the content was known, so the baseline study was carried out focusing on this system of cities and the environmental and social risk analyses they share, generating a joint action plan between the two municipalities, promoted by the regional government.
- Diagnosis of the Metropolitan Region of Araucanía: Temuco – Padre Las Casas. With the approved law and its regulations under management, a diagnostic study has been developed to understand the situation of the relationship between the capital Temuco – Padre Las Casas and its surroundings and urban system, seeking a vision of how the metropolitan city system has been projected over time in relation to the surrounding urban centers and the functional dependence between them, generating a proposal for strategic action and prioritization of existing metropolitan projects in mobility and public space.
- Study of definition, characterisation, diagnosis and action proposal for the Metropolitan Area of Valparaíso (Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Concón, Quilpué, Villa Alemana). Based on the approved regulation and law, a diagnosis was developed that defined which cities in the region of Valparaíso could form the metropolitan area that would allow the process of relating the entities involved in the management of the territory and that are part of the process of transferring competencies to the regional government to begin. A multilevel collaborative work was carried out, through which a metropolitan diagnosis was made in different dimensions, in order to address prospective scenarios and an action plan based on the current capacities of the regional and local entities responsible for being managed by the regional government.
- Metropolitan Infrastructure Plan for Mobility and Public Space, for the Metropolitan Area of O’Higgins, this being one of the actions undertaken by this government after the completion of its Metropolitan diagnosis, this allowed to put into perspective the capacity of collaborative work wills of the municipalities and subnational entities to reach agreements, generating an intercommunal action plan for the improvement of interurban mobility conditions and the management of metropolitan public spaces in urban and rural territory.
City & Territory : Resilience & sustainability
Regional Governments of Los Lagos